Wow! We were spell bound by these two wonderful people. You could hear a pin drop while Ms. Edwards was talking and Mr. Cole was drawing. Ms. Edwards read the story Livingstone Mouse while Mr. Cole was drawing a mysterious picture. At the end of the story when Mr. Cole turned his paper around he a drawn in a matter of minutes and incredible picture from the book.

Next they talked to the kids about the process of how they come up with ideas. Using the ideas from the students Mr. Cole drew a picture of a cat going to a dance with a dog as her partner. All the details came from the students.

We also found out that our new book of the month is Princess Pigtoria and the Pea written by Ms. Edwards and illustrated by Mr. Cole. Our class was so excited because it is another one of their stories using alliteration.

We loved their visit! We wished they could have stayed the whole week.