We have completed our first week of school. We have already learned many new things in our room. We learned how to use our wipe boards correctly. We practiced writing on the boards the beginning sounds of the words Ms. Ellis called out.
We also received our Independent Book Bags which we will use every day. Our bags hang on the back of our chairs. We learned that we can turn around without standing up to get a book out of our bags. Right now we have our Poetry Folder and a Star Book in our bags. As we learn to read they will hold "just right" books that we can read.
Literacy Stations are libraries we visit each day. Each table has their own library to read from for that day. We also have special places we will sit to read. We have the Book of the Month Library that holds all the previous Books of the Month since Chets Creek has opened.
We also have the Math Genre Library. There we get to read counting and math books.
We have a Series Library. There we find Clifford, Froggy and other books that have multiple stories written about the same character.

The third station is the Genre Library. There we have collections of books about subjects. We have a basket about zoo animals, fairy tales, and transportation.
Our final station is the Science Library. There the students love to read books about insects, sharks, and space.