Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Owen: From English to Japanese

A. has amazed us again with her knowledge of both the Japanese and English language. Our class has been studying Kevin Henkes as an author and illustrator. This morning A came in and showed us the book of Owen. Owen was one of the first books we read as a class of Mr. Henkes. The students loved the story of a boy who wanted to take his blanket to school with him in Kindergarten. At first glance it looked the same as our book, then we noticed it was written in Japanese. Of course A said she could read the book and would be willing to read it to the class. We were so excited. A did an outstanding job. She used intonation and read with fluency. The other students were spell-bound by her knowledge of both languages. We are so fortunate to be able to share both books with our class. Thank you A for making this possible.

Please stay tuned for an audio peak of A reading Owen.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your knowledge of Japanese with your classmates. They are very lucky to have you in their class!
The Snow Family

Naoko said...

Wow. That is really amazing A. We are all proud of you.

Mommy and Daddy

Anonymous said...

Abby came home so excited when A. shared with the class. She was very impressed! :-)

Anonymous said...

Oh i know she was so good.

I can't belive it!

The snows.