I was so excited to go on an airplane again. “A’s” family picked her up early from school on Friday and we headed straight to the airport. When we got to the airport, I had to go through the security gate. “A” put me in one of the bins and I got to ride through the X-ray machine. I was not scared, it was kind of fun! Then, we hung out in the waiting area for our plane to come. It was a big purple and orange plane. I got to sit with “A”, her dad and her brother. When it was time to take off, “A” held on to me tight and off we went!
There were many clouds that we had to fly through and the airplane ride was a little bumpy. Luckily, we made it to Philadelphia a little bit early and “A’s” gramma was waiting for us at the end of the concourse. She’s very nice and took us to “A’s” Aunt Melinda’s house. We ate pizza and played with “A’s” cousins and brother.
On Saturday, we all got up early, ate bagels for breakfast and then got in the car to drive to New Jersey. We saw a lot of pretty trees. The leaves were orange, bright red and yellow. It was a great day to drive.

I met “A’s” great gramma at her 90th birthday party. I met a lot of “A’s” relatives and friends. I shared some pasta with “A” and then got to sing Happy Birthday to “A’s” great gramma and then we got chocolate cake and ice cream. It was yummy! The family let me get into the picture of everybody to mark this special occasion.
On Sunday, “A’s” gramma made us some blueberry pancakes for breakfast and then we went to a helicopter air show. I got to sit in the car and watch because “A” was afraid that I might get blown away from the wind the helicopters made. I saw many helicopters and skydivers. It was really neat.

Later, we went back to the Philadelphia airport. “A’s” dad bought me a Philadelphia tee shirt! Our plane was a few minutes late and we had to sit in the airport for a bit longer than we were supposed to do. We did get to watch our airplane pull up to the gate – that was cool! It was fun to fly at night and see the moon and the lights from the towns and cities. It was a fun weekend. I hope that I can go back to see some of the city of Philadelphia next time!
Your friend,
Wow Chet it sure looks like you had fun!
You are quite the traveler Chet. I just love hearing all about your trips. On Tuesday we will show the whole class your trips with N and A. By the way, we just love your new T-Shirt.
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