We started a new pumpkin unit in science today. We are going to be learning the steps to growing a pumpkin from seed to pumpkin. We will also learn interesting facts about the pumpkin. Today's fact was: Pumpkins we mainly see are orange, however pumpkins can be blue, tan, white, yellow, and green.

We sent home a letter asking for pumpkins for us to use in the classroom. If you are able to find an unusual one we would love to have it. Even though we show the students pictures of the other color pumpkins, sometimes seeing is believing.

I love the background! My students are excited to see different kinds of Pumpkins too! We talked about this today, some students couldn't believe they weren't all orange!
Rachel it is really easy to get this background. Click on the link at the top of our page and you can have it too :) We love teaching about pumpkins. It fits perfectly with this time of year.
My kids came home and taught me something I didn't know --- there really are blue pumpkins. I didn't know that! I love it when they come home and tell me all the fun things they are doing with you. :)
I didn't know there were blue,green,white and tan pumpkins! I thought there was just orange!!
Ally (Amandas sister)
I loved sharing the pictures of the pumpkins with my mommy and daddy. My daddy didn't know that there were red pumpkins!
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