Thursday, January 29, 2009

Hello University of Regina (Saskatchewan, Canda)

We have been asked to mentor pre-service college students who attend the University of Regina. They will be following our blog for the next few months. They will be leaving us comments, and hopefully they will also tell us about themselves. We are excited to share what we know about teaching with them. Below is a video we made to tell them about our wonderful class.

Kindergarten Mentor Video from Melanie Holtsman on Vimeo.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Kindergarten class!

I will be working with your class for the next couple months through a mentorship. I am going to answer a question your teachers had asked me.

Do you celebrate Valentine's Day in Canada?

The answer is yes we do! Everyone probably celebrates it a little different though. Last year I was teaching during Valentine's Day and we made heart shaped "mailboxes" and decorated them. The students gave me many cards and some jelly beans too! (At University we don't decorate or make cards in class - so look how lucky you are!) This Valentine's Day I am going out for supper. What will you be doing?