Wednesday, September 10, 2008

A Picture is Worth Lots of Words

This week the students have learned their second reading strategy. Using picture clues is an important step for pre-emergent readers. The boys and girls now know to "Look at the Pictures" as they read. A common mistake that many adults make when they read with their child is to cover up the pictures. They seem to feel that they are not trying to read the words if they are stating what they see going on in pictures. When looking at the pictures is used in combination with pointing to the words, students are more likely to not only pay attention to the pictures but also to the words on the page. Picture books are strategically written for young readers as they naturally make connections between the pictures they see and the letter sounds that make up the words on the page.

1 comment:

Mrs. Roberts said...

I love the idea of taking pictures of the literacy stations! I am going to try that!
Beth S-R :)